Bulgarian Antholgy of Literary Translations — 22 poems | 2005 | Izdtyelcsztvo szonm, Szófia | |
CZECH | |||
Co to jez za biják? | 2012/3. sz. | Preotimluv, Revue pro kulturu | Translated by: Jiři Zeman |
Pod povrchem, pod melodií (Na navsteve u Krisztiny Toth) | 2008/4. sz. | Souvislosti, Praha | Translated by: Jiří Zeman |
Deštivé léto / Esős nyár | 2008 | Translated by: Lucie Szymanowska | |
Nikdy ani slovo | 2008 | Revue Labyrint, Praha | Translated by: Jiří Zeman |
Autumn Blue, BLATT, I./1. | 2006 | Anagram, Praha | |
DUTCH | |||
De tweede ronde | 2004 | Vijfentwintigste, jaargang, nummer 3, Amsterdam | |
Literair Paspoort | 2004 | Edition Poeziefestival Dichter aan huis, Den Haag | |
3 Gedichten (Zichtmap, Handjesgras, Droom van de Minotaurus) | Kluger Hans, N. 9, 51. Belgium, Bussels | Translated by: Mari Alföldy | |
Time, Time, Time Krisztina Tóth on ‘Time, Time, Time’ | Autumn 2021 | The Poetry Review | Translated by: Owen Good |
Hail Pariah | October 2021 | The Continental Literary Magazine | Translated by Owen Good |
* | October 26, 2021 | They’ll Be Good for Seed: Anthology of Contemporary Hungarian Poetry, ed.: Gyukics, Gabor | * |
Bean Bag | 24 July 2021 | medium.com | Translated by: Joe Váradi |
Whale Song (Bálnadal) | 5 July 2021 | Dead Poets Live | Translated by: Joe Váradi |
Open Letter to Europe – Krisztina Tóth: Shhh! | 31st August 2020 | Hungarian Literature Online | |
Shower | Spring 2020 | The Moth | Translated by: Owen Good |
The Nape’s Story | 11th July 2019 | Hungarian Literature Online | Translated by: Owen Good |
Light within the Shade. Eight Hundred Years of Hungarian Poetry | 2014 | Syracuse University Press | Translated by: Zsuzsanna Ozsváth, Frederick Turner |
Panning for Gold (short stories) | 2010/197. sz. | The Hungarian Quarterly | |
Never a word; Nie Ein Worth; Pas un mot | 2008 | Hungarian Pen bulletin | Translated by: Michaell Mansell |
Feed (short story) | 2006/183. sz. | The Hungarian Quaterly | Translated by: Tim Wilkinson |
At the End of the Broken Bridge: 25 Hungarian Poems 1978–2002 | 2005 | Scotish Poetry Library Edinburgh, Carcanet | |
Metro trains in contrary directions | 2005 | In Our Own Words: A Generation Defining Itself, Vol. 6, MW Enterprises, USA | |
On the Nature of Pain; File | 2004 | Times Newspapers, London | |
A Fine Line — New Poetry from Eastern and Central Europe | 2004 | Arts Council Publications | |
An Island of Sound — Hungarian Poetry and Fiction | 2004 | The Gharvill Press, London | |
Hide and Seek – Contemporary Hungarian Literature | 2004 | JAK–British Council Budapest | |
Swimming In The Ground. Contemporary Hungarian Poetry | 2003 | Neshui Publishing, St.Louis, USA | |
The Anthology of Living Hungarian Poetry | 1997 | Maecenas, Budapest | |
Lakutud Mees | 2021 | Ungari Kultuuri Instituut | |
Tóth Krisztina: Nyt puhuu paahanpotkittu ulkamaalainen | 17th June 2009 | Helsingin sanomat | |
FRENCH | |||
Journal du Covid | 2021 | La Nouvelle Revue Française | Translated by: Guillaume Métayer |
Sur la souris | January 2021 | Institut culturel hongrois Paris | Translated by: Guillaume Métayer |
(Lettre ouverte) à l’Europe, par Krisztina Tóth | 2nd October 2020 | poezibao | |
Nouvelles de Hongrie | 2017 | Magellan, Paris | |
La révolution vue par les écrivains hongrois. Budapest 1956 | 2016 | Le Félin | Translated by: Guillaume Métayer |
« De l’Albatros à l’albatros » | 2015 | Place de la Sorbonne | Translated by: Guillaume Métaye |
« Comment allez-vous ? » | 2014 | La Nouvelle Quinzaine littéraire | Translated by: Guillaume Métaye |
Trois poetes hongrois (Krisztina Tóth, János Lackfi, András Imreh) | 2009 | Éditions du Murmure | Translated by: Guillaume Métaye, Lucien Noullez |
Miroir hongrois — Sur le sol froid | 2008 | l’Harmattan, Paris | Translated by: Kati Jutteau |
Budapest en mouvement. La poésie et l’ironie du language | 2004 | Éditions Autrement, Paris | |
Le reve du Minotaure | 2001 | Éditions Caractere, Paris | Translated by: Lionel Ray |
Nouvelle poésie hongroise | 2001 | Caracteres, Paris | |
« Delta », « Fleuve de voix » | * | Po&Sie | Translated by: Guillaume Métayer |
GERMAN | |||
Krisztina Tóth: Offener Brief an Europa | 29 August 2020 | Der Standard | |
Die Geschichte des Halses | 2012 | Jahrbuch 11, Edition Solitude | |
2007. november | Literatur und kritik. Zeitschrift in der Zeitschrift, Salzburg | Translated by: Krisztina Meyer | |
Budapester Szenen. Junge Ungarische Lyrik | 1999 | Dumont, Köln | |
Ungarisches Lesebuch | 1995 | Insel Verlag, Frankfurt | |
L’uomo disabitato | 2007 | Translated by: Andrea Rényi | |
Tra ansia e finitude — La nuova Europa dei poeti | 2005 | Instituto Italiano di Cultura di Budapest | |
Stará baba zlá; Kaštiel | 2010/2. sz. | Revue Svetovej literatúry | Translated by: Gabriela Magová, Renata Deákova |
Minotaurov sen, Úsmev | 2007 | Vina, 2007/30–31, Bratislava | Translated by: Gabriela Magová |
Iný a rovnaký | 2006 | Literárne informačné centrum, Bratislava | Translated by: Peter Macsovszký |
Pst! Odprto psimo Evropi | 22 August 2020 | Izbrano | |
Dnevi Poezije in vina | 2005 | Studentska zalozba, Ljubjana | |
Dnevi Poezije in vina | 1997 | Studentska zalozba, Ljubjana |